Monday, October 31, 2016
9:00 am – 12:00 pm | Pre-Conference Tutorial | Room: Forum 3-5
Digital Transformation: Profound Changes Require New Architectural Thinking
Presented by: Michael Rosen
By now, most people have heard of what IDC calls the 3rd platform or others call SMAC – Social, Mobile, Analytics/Big Data, and Cloudd. But, few people actually understand the profound effect that they are having on business models, stakeholder interaction, information, sourcing, and security. Together, they represent a fundamental shift in not only how companies interact with customers/partners/employees, but also in how IT organizations interact with the rest of the business. Architecture is key to making both of these transformations successful, but at the same time, a new world requires new architectural thinking.
This workshop distills the extensive research done by IDC in 3rd platform business, technologies, and architecture into a compelling vision of digital transformation and what Analysts and Architects need to do to make both themselves and their companies come out on top.
- Digital Transformation is here now…a review of thethe dramatic changes
- Brief overview of 3rd platform technologies
- More importantly, not what they are, but what they MEAN too your organization
- New interaction models for IT and the business
- Strategic Architecture for Digital Transformation
- Implications for Business Analysts and Architects
Event Trail(s)

Michael Rosen
Chief Scientist
Wilton Consulting Group
Founder, VP
Business Architecture Guild
Mike Rosen is Chief Scientist at Wilton Consulting Group. He is also VP and Founder of the Business Architecture Guild. For the past 15 years he was Chief Scientist of Wilton Consulting Group which specializes in helping organizations create and get value from Business and Enterprise Architectures. Mr. Rosen has over 35 years experience in architecture and application development, has held numerous CTO and Chief Architecture positions, and is internationally regarded for his presentations and courses in architecture.
Michael's 2016 Presentations:
- Digital Transformation: Profound Changes Require New Architectural Thinking
Monday, October 31, 2016 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
- Leading Digital Transformation with Business Architecture
Thursday, November 3, 2016 (2:10 pm – 3:10 pm)