Thursday, November 3, 2016
9:00 am – 10:00 am | Presentation | Room: Forum 6-8
Process Improvement with Standards-Based Simulation of Business Processes
Presented by: James Baker

BPMN is becoming firmly entrenched as the language of choice for modeling business processes. Process visualization with a standard language allows the process modelers, the process evaluators, and the process implementers to focus on the business process and not the diagram notation or natural language explanations. The next step in the evolution of business process development is the incorporation of standard-based process simulation of the BPMN process models. BPSim from the WfMC provides that next step. This presentation focuses on a case study that describes an organization's evolution from text and picture process descriptions, to well-formed BPMN models, to simulation of those models using BPSim. Along the way we will discuss ways to efficiently migrate from pictures to models and the benefit of being able to simulate those models.
What attendees Will Learn:
- Techniques for migration from office product representations to models
- Techniques for incorporating simulation into process modeling efforts
- The value realized through incorporation of BPMN simulation in business process modeling
Event Trail(s)

James Baker
Armstrong Process Group
J. .D. Baker, Senior Instructor/Consultant with Armstrong Process Group, Inc., is a recognized expert in software and system architecture, software development, iterative/agile development, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the UML Profile for BPMN Process Modeling, use case driven requirements, and process improvement. With over 20 years of experience, J.D. has helped customers in multiple business domains solve problems in business process, business architecture, and solution architectures. He is a member of the IIBA®, and a Board Member of the Object Management Group.
James's 2016 Presentations:
- Process Improvement with Standards-Based Simulation of Business Processes
Thursday, November 3, 2016 (9:00 am – 10:00 am)