Thursday, November 3, 2016
4:50 pm – 5:50 pm | Case Study | Room: Florentine III & IV
Winning Techniques: Case Study of Business Rules Modeling for Public Health Projects
Presented by: David Lyalin

Business rules, in combination with other analysis techniques, have been used since 2005 to formulate consensus-based operational guidelines in a public health domain of immunization information systems. This session is focused on a detailed discussion of two business analysis practices:
- Hierarchical organization of business rules. Hierarchical organization of business rule models can help the business analyst manage complexity in business operations and communicate selectively and more effectively with difference target audiences.
- Harvesting and vetting business rules with brief operational scenarios that describe common and challenging operational situations. These scenarios help identify, test, and explore best practice recommendations that are described with business rules.
Specific examples from public health projects will illustrate benefits of these techniques for business analysts and subject matter experts.
What Attendees Will Learn:
- How hierarchical organization of business rules can benefit business analysts and subject matter experts.
- How brief operational scenarios help to identify, test, and explore best practice recommendations described with business rules.
- Specific examples of applying business rules techniques in a complex, decentralized community environment.
Event Trail(s)

Dr. David Lyalin
Public Health Analyst
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Dr. David Lyalin is a recognized expert in analysis and improvement of public health operations and processes. He is a Public Health Analyst with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Currently Dr. Lyalin concentrates on development and implementation of business rules solutions that capture operational best practices for Immunization Information Systems at CDC.
David's 2016 Presentations:
- Winning Techniques: Case Study of Business Rules Modeling for Public Health Projects
Thursday, November 3, 2016 (4:50 pm – 5:50 pm)