Friday, November 10, 2017
11:30 am – 12:30 pm | Presentation | Room: Timor 1 & 2
Transitioning the BRD to Model-Based Development
Presented by: James Baker
This presentation explores the results of transitioning the development of a healthcare industry BRD from the use of office applications to the generation from a UML-based model. We will present the initial status of BRD development and then trace the journey of the business analysts as they learn the modeling language, determine what data and information can and should be captured in the model and finally generate the required document from the model. Along the way we'll take a look at some of detours and bumps in the road the team experienced.
Attendees Will Learn:
- Why capturing business objectives in documents is not optimal
- How to organize the process and the artifacts in a model-based effort
- The value of a repeatable process with reusable assets
James Baker
Armstrong Process Group
J. .D. Baker, Senior Instructor/Consultant with Armstrong Process Group, Inc., is a recognized expert in software and system architecture, software development, iterative/agile development, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the UML Profile for BPMN Process Modeling, use case driven requirements, and process improvement. With over 20 years of experience, J.D. has helped customers in multiple business domains solve problems in business process, business architecture, and solution architectures. He is a member of the IIBA®, and a Board Member of the Object Management Group.
James's 2017 Presentations:
- Transitioning the BRD to Model-Based Development
Friday, November 10, 2017 (11:30 am – 12:30 pm)