Thursday, November 8, 2018
11:50 am – 12:50 pm |
| Room: Grand Oaks I
The Art of Gamification
Presented by: Jennifer Battan

In 1999 Bill Gates wrote a book about Business at the Speed of Thought. Nearly 20 years later, yes, technology is the digital nervous system of business, but what’s next? How can we motivate our teams, partners and customers to achieve their goals and ours? Let’s apply our natural need for achievement, socialization and mastery into a how we work. Less talk, more play. More play, more collaboration. More collaboration, stronger teams. Stronger teams, stronger results. Start playing games that make a difference.
Learning Objectives:
- How to engage everyone from business partners to customers in collaborative games
- How to focus and adapt game techniques to your audience
- How to quickly convert game output into real work products
Jennifer Battan, CBAP
Chief Creativity Encourager
Out of the Box BA, Bob the BA
Jennifer Battan, CBAP, the Out of the Box BA, has a passion for injecting innovation and creative problem solving techniques into how BAs do their work. Her passion is helping teams apply the art and science of business analysis techniques with fresh, modern perspectives. Jen is an internationally recognized speaker, educator and thought leader within the business analysis and creative problem solving communities. She served on her local IIBA® Chapter board as President and in various roles for more than seven years, and led a content development and writing team for the IIBA®’s Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge®. Jen is a volunteer with Destination Imagination, inspiring today's learners to utilize diverse approaches in applying creativity to any challenge they face.
Jennifer's 2018 Presentations:
- The Art of Gamification
Thursday, November 8, 2018 (11:50 am – 12:50 pm)