NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019

NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019
Official Conference of the
International Institute of Business Analysis 


Thursday, November 8, 2018

11:50 am – 12:50 pm | Presentation | Room: Cibolo 5

Replacing Legacy Bank Account Management System Using Business Rules

Presented by: Erik Marutian, Jacob Feldman


In this presentation we describe how a large bank successfully transformed a legacy account management system to a highly dynamic web application using rules-based technology. To comply with “Know Your Customer” requirements the bank needed to seamlessly extend the old on-boarding account management system. A new system was supposed to create and maintain about 1000 dynamically displayed questions using a very complex interaction logic that depended on different types of customers, accounts, and planned account activities. The system should support more than 6,000 business users working concurrently on creating new and modifying existing customer accounts. The existing system with hard-coded logic was not able to support new functionality not mentioning frequently required changes. However, we needed to stick to the existing UI experience to minimize the learning curve for business users. Facing these challenges, the bank understood that only a rules-based approach was able to solve the problem.
After evaluating several rules-based frameworks, the bank selected the open source business rules and decision management system that allowed us to build highly customizable rules-based web questionnaires. As a result, the bank successfully created, tested, and put in production a new highly dynamic account management system within the expected time-frame and budget. Being in production for a few years, the new system has proved the power of the selected rules-based approach. This presentation describes how we overcame the most difficult challenges (both technical and organizational) and shares the lessons learned.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to migrate a complex web application to business rules
  • How to represent complex interaction logic using decision tables
  • Advantages of customizable business rules

Event Trail(s)



 Erik Marutian

Erik Marutian

Technical Lead

Erik Marutian is a highly experienced architect, developer, and project leader of complex financial applications. His past experience includes creating innovate software solutions that covered enterprise needs in such business domains as compliance, audit, process control improvement, records information management, customer account management. Currently he runs BSA/AML IT Solutions Delivery group at a large California bank.

Erik's 2018 Presentations:

  1. Replacing Legacy Bank Account Management System Using Business Rules
    Thursday, November 8, 2018 (11:50 am – 12:50 pm)

Dr. Jacob  Feldman

Dr. Jacob Feldman

Founder / CTO
OpenRules, Inc.

Dr. Jacob Feldman is the CTO of OpenRules, Inc., a NJ corporation that created and maintains the highly popular Open Source Business Rules and Decision Management System commonly known as "OpenRules" ( He has extensive experience in development of decision support software using business rules, optimization, and machine learning technologies for real-world mission-critical applications. He is a frequent presenter at the major business rules events and a contributor to and other Decision Management social forums. Jacob is also a Specification Lead for the JCP standard JSR-331. Dr. Feldman is an author of the book "DMN in Action with OpenRules" - see

Jacob's 2018 Presentations:

  1. Replacing Legacy Bank Account Management System Using Business Rules
    Thursday, November 8, 2018 (11:50 am – 12:50 pm)

Building Business Capability is the only conference that provides insight into Business Analysis, Business Architecture, Business Process, Business Rules, Business Decisions, and Business Strategy & Transformation toward the pursuit of business excellence.



Event Produced and Organized by Rising Media in association with Business Rule Solutions Copyright © 2010-2018, Rising Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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