Thursday, November 8, 2018
2:10 pm – 2:55 pm |
| Room: Grand Oaks CD
How Operational Excellence Drives Customer Experience
Presented by: Art Drake

This is an interactive discussion on how applying operational excellence to customer engagement processes can drive improved customer experience. We will use a case study to explore/apply process design to drive both customer experience and how to scale to support rapid growth. The presentation will address how process management and customer experience merge to creating competitive advantage. Attendees will interact on specific presentation topics and create take-aways that they can apply back at work.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key 'levers' that drive operational excellence
- Understand how processes affect customer experience
- How to create alignment across the organization on operational excellence and improved customer experience
Event Trail(s)

Art Drake
Telematics Engagement Berisk
Art Drake has worked with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations to develop transformational strategies to reorganize how companies operate and evaluate performance. This includes helping companies implement the concept of "Customer Value Creation." From establishing a clear baseline to defining a target operating model, Mr. Drake has helped organizations achieve change. The focus of this change centers on the concept of creating more value for customers. Not just planning, but the execution of projects to effect this change.
Art's 2018 Presentations:
- How Operational Excellence Drives Customer Experience
Thursday, November 8, 2018 (2:10 pm – 2:55 pm)