Thursday, November 8, 2018
3:05 pm – 3:50 pm |
| Room: Cibolo 6
Business Analysis, Business Process, Business Architecture: What is the Optimal Career Path?
Presented by: Tony Benedict

The presentation will outline a progression of the skills and competencies for individuals interested in entering the professions contrasted with the talent demands of the marketplace. Business and IT perspectives and approaches will be discussed along with a glimpse of integrating the two approaches to address the emerging skills and competencies required to lead in the future.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the current landscape of disciplines and certifications
- Highlight some of the overlapping skills and competencies and the need for convergence to an interdisciplinary approach to address market demands
- Employee or consultant? Trends impacting salaries and rates
- Understand the need for maintaining your market relevance by identifying potential career paths for those entering the field or those with more experience.
Event Trail(s)

Tony Benedict
President & Director
The Association of Process Management Professionals (ABPMP)
In addition to operating as a C-Level operating executive who has led step-change results in manufacturing-based companies in industries ranging from healthcare to pharmaceuticals, to semiconductors, Tony has been a leader of The Association of Process Management Professionals (ABPMP) for the past 8 years. As Board President, he led the development of a five-year strategic plan, which turned the organization to profitability in one year, while expanding membership and services globally. At ABPMP, Tony has co-authored and developed three BPM Certifications, three versions of the BPM CBOK (Common Body of Knowledge) and a BPM Competency Model.
Tony's 2018 Presentations:
- Business Analysis, Business Process, Business Architecture: What is the Optimal Career Path?
Thursday, November 8, 2018 (3:05 pm – 3:50 pm)