Friday, November 9, 2018
10:00 am – 10:45 am |
| Room: Cibolo 5
Agile, Executive Blind Spots & the Evolution of Business Analysis
Presented by: Jonathan Babcock

Many initiatives are positioned to fail before they even make it to delivery teams due a lack of basic “pre-emptive” business analysis at strategic planning and line-of-business leadership levels. The good news is, this gap, and adoption of agile delivery methods provide a great opportunity for business analysts to provide significant value while finding rewarding career growth paths.
During this session, we'll refer to industry research and observed evidence supporting the notion that strategic business analysis, partnering business leadership with trusted advisors with the business analysis skillset, will be the leap forward for business analysts to provide substantial business value.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain insights into typical pitfalls associated with how executive business stakeholders decide which projects will be worked and when, and how business analysts are uniquely positioned to help avoid or mitigate them.
- Learn how agile adoption is creating opportunities for business analysts to add value, about the skills necessary to take advantage of them, and ways to drive the influence of business analysis “up” into organizational leadership tiers.
- Learn about executive’s need for trusted advisors, and the unique characteristics business analyst bring to the table for filling that role to address “executive blind spots.”
Event Trail(s)

Jonathan Babcock
Jabian Consulting
Jonathan Babcock is a consulting executive with expertise in business analysis, process optimization, team leadership and solution delivery methodology. He has over 17 years' experience across multiple industry verticals with a balance of consulting and industry experience. Jonathan has found his professional passion in helping organizations and individuals to define and realize their goals. He enjoys meeting and interacting with business analysis professionals and is an active participant in the broader business analysis community through speaking and writing engagements, his Practical Analyst website (, and on social media (Twitter handle @jonbab1). Jonathan is active in his local business analysis community, currently serving as vice president of professional development for the IIBA® Greater Atlanta Chapter.
Jonathan's 2018 Presentations:
- Agile, Executive Blind Spots & the Evolution of Business Analysis
Friday, November 9, 2018 (10:00 am – 10:45 am)