Friday, November 9, 2018
10:55 am – 11:40 am |
| Room: Cibolo 1-3
Business Capabilities - Linking Strategy Execution's Moving Parts
Presented by: Ron Lamb

Experts and subject expertise can actually get in your organization’s way when trying to Innovate. If you aren’t working together with basic understanding of how other parts of the organization operate and make decisions, you’re certainly not operating in the fast lane. Decision making around innovation and business-as-usual all play in the expert realms of; Strategy, Outcomes, Capabilities, Projects & Programs, Architecture, Skills, Behaviors, Finance and integrating Roadmaps.
Learn how to help business and IT leaders and teams analyze and gain clarity how they integrate and operate together. Do this to gain a greater commitment to collaboration and the inevitable trade-offs required to balance agility, innovation and keeping the lights on. Learn how a variety of organizations have embraced a holistic way to engage all their capabilities and enter the fast lane.
Learning Objectives:
- How to illustrate how all of Strategy Execution Moving Parts Fit Together
- Leaders’ Insight & Engagement of the Integration of Strategy, Outcomes, Capabilities, & Architecture
- How to Harness the Moving Parts Between Strategy and Execution
Event Trail(s)

Ron Lamb
Founder and Managing Director
Strategy 2 Execution
Ron Lamb is the Managing Director of Strategy 2 Execution, founded over 15 years ago, focused on setting new standards and opportunities for strategy execution excellence. He works with clients to meet higher expectations where failure is not an option. His firm provides repeatable methods that integrate and optimize all the facets of strategy to execution. During this journey Ron has also been Co-Chair of Microsoft’s Enterprise Strategy and Architecture Council and Headed Enterprise Architecture for a major US Retailer. He has led program execution, business and IT strategy and transformational engagements on five continents and helped smaller organizations launch their Strategy and Architecture Capability. He is a speaker and workshops leader across multiple industries for those ready to adopt innovations in strategy execution.
Ron's 2018 Presentations:
- Business Capabilities - Linking Strategy Execution's Moving Parts
Friday, November 9, 2018 (10:55 am – 11:40 am)