Wednesday, November 2, 2016
10:25 am – 11:25 am | Presentation | Room: Roman I & II
Agile Discovery Sessions: Use your Collaboration Superpowers
Presented by: Ellen Gottesdiener

Behind every successful product is a strong, collaborating team interweaving the dual activities of discovery and delivery. Discovery work includes refining backlog items to slice them for value, clarifying themes and acceptance criteria, exploring customer needs informed by research, igniting the team to explore visual design options, crafting a product roadmap or release plan and more. This work builds a shared understanding of product needs, ensures alignment to strategy and goals, and accelerates product delivery.
Agile discovery relies on your teams’ ability to tap into the collective wisdom of all disciplines. That doesn’t happen “automagically”. Teams need people with skills in facilitation, planning, and analysis bounded by a solid foundation in agile principles. That can be you. In this presentation, Ellen shares how to tap into your collaboration superpowers to lead your agile team toward shared product outcomes through dynamic collaboration in discovery sessions. Learn tips that foster collaboration based on trust and transparency. You leave with several re-useable techniques that elevate your agile discovery work.
What Attendees Will Learn:
- Explore EBG’s facilitated agile discovery framework to guide your collaborative planning and design.
- Understand how to design your session for optimum interaction and minimum waste in time and energy.
- Survey several collaboration patterns that aid in discovery.
Event Trail(s)

Ellen Gottesdiener
CEO / Agile Product Coach
EBG Consulting, Inc.
Ellen Gottesdiener is an Agile Product Coach and CEO of EBG Consulting, focused on helping product and development communities produce valuable outcomes through product agility. Ellen is known in the agile community as an instigator and innovator for collaborative practices for agile product discovery and using skilled facilitation to enable healthy teamwork and strong organizations.
Ellen's 2016 Presentations:
- Discovery Dojo: Hunting Value for Your Agile Product
Tuesday, November 1, 2016 (1:30 pm – 4:30 pm)
- Agile Discovery Sessions: Use your Collaboration Superpowers
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 (10:25 am – 11:25 am)
- An Opinion of Gurus: Leading Business Excellence
Friday, November 4, 2016 (11:30 am – 12:30 pm)