Wednesday, November 2, 2016
4:50 pm – 5:50 pm | Presentation | Room: Forum 9-11
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Using Story Prompts to Obtain User Stories and Other Requirements
Presented by: Lori Silverman, Kupe Kupersmith

By far, the most requested topic from clients and people performing business analysis is, “What are the right questions to ask?” The “correct” answer to this question is as varied as the projects that analysts are involved with. Here’s a challenge with asking questions: They only get at snippets of surface information, which do not in and of themselves, create deeper meaning.
This presentation will provide an alternative technique - that starts with evoking the broader stories. Prompting stories from stakeholders ensures you start with the end in mind - and it captures the heart and the essence of the mindset that each stakeholder holds. The stories you obtain from stakeholders will provide you a broader framework within which to decompose their needs into the requirements necessary for a solution.
In this interactive session, Kupe and Lori will show you how to transform your elicitation process using story prompts to create engagement with your stakeholders. After practicing this technique you will have new ways to build stronger relationships, actively engage your stakeholders like never before, and help your team connect the real needs of the business to the solution.
What Attendees Will Learn:
- Distinguish between asking questions and using story prompts
- Structure effective story prompts to use to elicit user stories and other requirements
- Practice how to listen to the stories that are evoked through prompts and flesh out user stories and requirements from them
Lori Silverman
Owner and Strategist
Partners for Progress
As a strategist and the owner of Partners for Progress®, Lori Silverman has consulted across 25 industries on messy, complex organizational changes and creating long-term strategies to increase success for organizations such as Chevron, Bechtel, Redwood Credit Union, American Family Insurance and the U.S. Air Force Reserves. As a keynote speaker, she's spoken at Project Summit/BAWorld in Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia and Project World/BAWorld in Toronto, Vancouver, and Victoria. At UW-Madison, Lori led the development of the project management methodology used in the Project Management Master's Certificate. She also spearheaded the creation of seven, two-day courses for UW- Milwaukee's Project Management Certificate Program. Lori's authored five books, including Critical Shift, Stories Trainers Tell, and Wake Me Up When the Data Is Over. Her latest bestseller is Business Storytelling for Dummies. She's also an adjunct professor for Golden Gate University's Master's program in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Lori's 2016 Presentations:
- Facts Tell, Stories Sell: How to Storify Data and Information to Get Your Point Across
Monday, October 31, 2016 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
- Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Using Story Prompts to Obtain User Stories and Other Requirements
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 (4:50 pm – 5:50 pm)
Kupe Kupersmith, CBAP
Kupe Kupersmith - As the founder of KupeTalks and Atlanta Engagement Director, Market Rate Consulting, Kupe’s main objective is to help you connect, collaborate, and be ready for the future. For the past 20 years Kupe has been helping organizations achieve business value with an improvisational advantage.
Kupe is an author, keynote speaker, coach and a trained improv actor. Some think Broccoli & Cheetos is an odd combination, but you will be delighted with Kupe’s combination of laughter and learning. Kupe is a connector and has a goal in life to meet everyone! So, drop what you’re doing and connect with him on LinkedIn now. Why are you still reading this…connect with Kupe?!
Kupe's 2016 Presentations:
- Decision Making for Projects: Addressing the Question of Value
Monday, October 31, 2016 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
- Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Using Story Prompts to Obtain User Stories and Other Requirements
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 (4:50 pm – 5:50 pm)