Wednesday, November 7, 2018
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm |
| Room: Cibolo 6
Skalds and Kennings: Viking Techniques for Building Team Cohesion
Presented by: Kate Cuddy
In an Agile environment, teams are often fluid. Flexibility is critical to a successful business implementation of Agile, yet team cohesion is necessary for the process to function smoothly. Creating a team narrative is a simple and effective means to help team members understand where everyone fits in the team context, engendering a sense of responsibility for and pride in their own work while demonstrating respect for their teammates' work. Learn how to build trust, encourage communication, and accelerate your Agile team using time-honored Viking techniques.
Learning Objectives:
- Become your team's skald
- Create a team narrative
- Use kennings to champion your teammates
Kate Cuddy
Business Systems Analyst The Jackson Laboratory
The Jackson Laboratory
Kate "Kit" Cuddy has worked at The Jackson Laboratory as a business systems analyst for 5 years. She has worked on waterfall teams, both gathering requirements, and leading user acceptance tests and training. Kit worked as a combined BA/PM on one waterfall project. For the past three years, she has worked on agile teams where she gathers requirements, writes tests, and leads user acceptance testing. Additionally, she is scrum master for an enterprise-level product catalog migration project. Kit enjoys wearing different hats almost as much as she enjoys writing about her accomplishments in the third person.
Kate's 2018 Presentations:
- Skalds and Kennings: Viking Techniques for Building Team Cohesion
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 (5:15 pm – 6:00 pm)